In late 1783, books, prints, and other works of art from the English ship Westmorland, sold in Málaga by the French fleet, arrived at the Royal Academy of San Fernando. Among several crates were musical scores, some annotated with the signatures of their owners: Thomson, Henderson, Robertson, and other travelers who had undertaken the Grand Tour in Italy in the preceding years. This music was often written for the light instruments they carried with them.
It is the music that accompanied Grand Tour travelers and enlivened their musical evenings. It reflects the atmosphere depicted in Conversation pieces, often seen in family portraits. It was also part of the musical education of young people, guided by tutors who accompanied them during their journey.
In order to study and recover this musical collection, much of which is unpublished and often found in handwritten sheet music, a group has been formed under the name Westmorland Ensemble.
The founding members consist of five performers who combine research experience with extensive professional careers. Initially, two flutes, two violins, and a cello have been selected. In future studies of this collection, other instruments will occasionally be incorporated as new sheet music is added to the repertoire.
Former professor at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, PhD in Humanities from Rey Juan Carlos University, founder and director of the Baroque music group "La Folía," with which he has performed concerts in over 40 countries across five continents. He has produced numerous CDs and recorded soundtracks for film, radio, and television.
Cellist graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid and specialized in solo performance at Katarina Gurska. Currently collaborates with orchestras such as OCNE (Spanish National Orchestra and Choir), RTVE (Spanish Radio and Television), and ORCAM (Orchestra and Choir Foundation of the Community of Madrid).
Violinist graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, with advanced degrees in Violin and Chamber Music. Soloist with orchestras such as the Royal Conservatory of Madrid Orchestra, Cluj-Napoca Philharmonic (Romania), Madrid Community Orchestra, and the Spanish National Orchestra. Collaborates with the Reina Sofía School Orchestra and the Madrid Academic Orchestra. He has made recordings for Spanish National Radio (RNE). His musical activities include performances with the "Trío Iriarte" and the "Dalecuerda" Quartet. He has been a participant with the Ensemble Berlin Quartet since 2022.
Violinist, Cum Laude doctorate in transdisciplinary research in education, and specialist in World War II music. She holds a Master’s degree in Violin from the Katarina Gurska Center and a degree in Artistic Research from IKG (Katarina Gurska Institute for Artistic Research).
Flutist graduated from the Conservatory of Music of Murcia, with a degree in Art History specializing in Modern Age Art, and a PhD candidate at the Luigi Vanvitelli University in Naples. Researcher of the Grand Tour sheet music at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. She has performed these compositions at the Fondazione Pietà dei Turchini in Naples, accompanied by violinist Marco Rozza.
Date | City | Venue | Program |
10/07/24 | Rimini, Italia | Teatro Galli | View Program |
07/11/24 | Málaga, España | Palacio Arzobispal | View Program |
25/11/24 | Murcia, España | Fundación CajaMurcia | View Program |
26/03/25 | Girona, España | Auditorio Josep Irla | View Program |
Organizado por la Cátedra de Ciencias y Humanidades Doctor Bofill de la Universidad de Girona. Leer más
Full concert held in Málaga on Thursday, November 7, 2024.
Concert held in Murcia on Monday, November 25, 2024, titled Music Coming from the Sea.
Friedrich Schwindl (1737-1786) - Twelve Easy Duets for two Violins. Duet I: Allegro, Largo, Minuet I-II-I
Rocío González Cabello, violin.
Miguel Molina Cabrera, violin.
Premiere at the Galli Theater in Rimini, June 19, 2024.
Giuseppe Cristiano Lidarti (1730-1795) - Sei duetti per due flauti traversieri. Duet I: Allegro moderato, Minuet.
Ana González Paredes, transverse flute.
Pedro Bonet, recorder.
Premiere at the Galli Theater in Rimini, June 19, 2024.
Giuseppe Cristiano Lidarti (1730-1795) - 6 Duetti a flauto e violino. Duet II: Adagio, Allegro, Minuet.
Ana González Paredes, transverse flute.
Rocío González Cabello, violin.
Premiere at the Galli Theater in Rimini, June 19, 2024.